diumenge, 18 de novembre del 2012

Seguit, filera...

Diuen que un arbre no ens deixa veure el bosc, però hi ha fileres d'arbres talats que ens ensenyen la bogeria humana del consumisme i la irresponsabilitat vers la nostra mare terra.

Unes altres fileres, ara de gent sense feina esperant poder recollir alguna cosa per menjar, ens acosten a les misèries humanes del dia a dia de moltes llars.
O fileres de nens armats fent d'escuts humans en guerres de països llunyans on ja ningú sap la raó de la lluita.

Sempre hi ha alguna filera a prop nostre, algun seguit de persones o animals que emigren cap a un altre lloc, cap a la terra promesa, amb el cos ple d'esperances  de promeses, d'incerteses...
 Row, Line

It is said that the trees don’t let you see the forest, but there are lines of cut down trees that show the human insanity of consumerism and the irresponsibility towards our mother Earth.
Other lines, those of unemployed people waiting to get something to eat, they get us closer to everyday human misery of many homes.
Or lines of armed children, as human shields in a war of a far away country where everybody has already forgotten the reason why they fight.
There is always a nearby line, of people or animals going somewhere, to the promise land, full of hope, full of promises, full of doubts...

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